adskNoise.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Shader SDK noise functions.

#include <shader.h>
#include <adskExport.h>
#include "adskShaderSDKNamespaceBegin.h"
#include "adskShaderSDKNamespaceEnd.h"

Include dependency graph for adskNoise.h:


ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT double  noise_drand (int *seed)
  Generate a double precision pseudo-random number.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float  noise_frand (int *seed)
  Generate a single precision pseudo-random number.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT void  noise_gradient_init (miState *state)
  Initialize the gradient noise function.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float  noise_gradient_3d (float x, float y, float z)
  Compute gradient noise for a given 3D location.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float  noise_scalar_1d (double x)
  Generate scalar one dimensional quadratic noise.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float  noise_scalar_2d (double x, double y)
  Generate scalar two dimensional quadratic noise.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT miVector  noise_vector_2d (double x, double y)
  Generate vector two dimensional quadratic noise.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float  noise_scalar_3d (double x, double y, double z)
  Generate scalar three dimensional quadratic noise.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float  noise_scalar_4d (double x, double y, double z, double t, int steps)
  Generate scalar four dimensional quadratic noise.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT double  noise_table_scalar (int index)
  Generate scalar noise based on a lookup table.
ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT miVector  noise_table_vector (int index)
  Generate vector noise based on a lookup table.

Function Documentation

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT double noise_drand ( int *  seed  ) 

Generate a double precision pseudo-random number.

[in,out]  seed  Initial random seed. Modified after each call.
A pseudo-random number.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float noise_frand ( int *  seed  ) 

Generate a single precision pseudo-random number.

[in,out]  seed  Initial random seed. Modified after each call.
A pseudo-random number.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float noise_gradient_3d ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z  

Compute gradient noise for a given 3D location.

[in]  x  x coordinate for noise function
[in]  y  y coordinate for noise function
[in]  z  z coordinate for noise function
The scalar noise value.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT void noise_gradient_init ( miState *  state  ) 

Initialize the gradient noise function.

[in]  state  The current miState.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float noise_scalar_1d ( double  x  ) 

Generate scalar one dimensional quadratic noise.

[in]  x  x coordinate for noise function
The scalar noise value.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float noise_scalar_2d ( double  x,
double  y  

Generate scalar two dimensional quadratic noise.

[in]  x  x coordinate for noise function
[in]  y  y coordinate for noise function
The scalar noise value.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float noise_scalar_3d ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z  

Generate scalar three dimensional quadratic noise.

[in]  x  x coordinate for noise function
[in]  y  y coordinate for noise function
[in]  z  z coordinate for noise function
The scalar noise value.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT float noise_scalar_4d ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double  t,
int  steps  

Generate scalar four dimensional quadratic noise.

[in]  x  x coordinate for noise function
[in]  y  y coordinate for noise function
[in]  z  z coordinate for noise function
[in]  t  t coordinate for noise function
[in]  steps  Number of steps for given time value.
The scalar noise value.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT double noise_table_scalar ( int  index  ) 

Generate scalar noise based on a lookup table.

[in]  index  The index in the lookup table.
The scalar noise value.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT miVector noise_table_vector ( int  index  ) 

Generate vector noise based on a lookup table.

[in]  index  The index in the lookup table.
The vector noise value.

ADSK_SHADERSDK_EXPORT miVector noise_vector_2d ( double  x,
double  y  

Generate vector two dimensional quadratic noise.

[in]  x  x coordinate for noise function
[in]  y  y coordinate for noise function
The vector noise.

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