
次に、基本的な Dt ベースのプラグインを使用して選択したオブジェクトに照会し、Shape の名前と、シェーダにマップされた color テクスチャのファイル名を出力するプログラム例を示します。

#include <maya/MSimple.h>
#include <MDt.h>
#include <MDtExt.h>
DeclareSimpleCommand( basic, "Alias - Example", "2.0");
void outputFileNames()
char *shapeName;
char *mtlName;
char *texName;
// 1st thing find out how many shapes (meshes) are in this scene
// currently being looked at.
int numShapes = DtShapeGetCount();
// For each shape, check out what is assigned as the color texture
// There may not be a texture associated with material, or the texture
// may be a procedural texture and so have no file name.
for ( int shape=0; shape < numShapes; shape++ )
// Find the name of the current shape that we are looking at.
DtShapeGetName( shape, &shapeName );
// Find out the number of groups (materials) assigned to this shape
numGroups = DtGroupGetCount( shape );
// For each group (material) check out to see if there is a file texture
// associated with the material and output its name.
// It is possible that the number of groups will be zero. In this case
// there would be no materials assigned:
// 1) Joint or other Transform node
// 2) user deleted all of the materials including the default shading group
// 3) removed the connections between the mesh and the shading groups.
// Usual reason is #1, a Joint or straight Transform node. (when using
// full hierarchy mode
 for ( int group=0; groups < numGroups; group++ )
 // For the current shape+group combination find out its material
 DtMtlGetName( shape, group, &mtlName );
 // For the current material, find out its texture file name if any
 DtTextureGetFileName( mtlName, &texName );
 // output any information that is wanted about what we found above.
 printf( "for shape %s(%d) group %s(%d), texture filename is %s\n",
 shapeName, shape, mtlName, group, texName ? texName : "(NULL)" );
// main doIt function for the plugin command.
MStatus basic::doIt( const MArgList& args )
// Initialize the Dt database
DtExt_SceneInit( “basic” );
// using the default settings, as no initializer
// functions are called here
// Walk the dag and fill in the internal database
// walk thru shapes found and output the texture file names
// Clean up the allocated memory and internal storage
// return from the plugin command
return MS::kSuccess;