スクリプト作成: Rob Tesdahl、Jonathan Southard(Autodesk(旧 Alias)Santa Barbara Development Center)
以下のスクリプト dynTestEvent.mel は、パーティクルの機能とパーティクルのコリジョン イベントをテストします。傾斜したプレーン上に 2 つのエミッタを作成します。放射されたパーティクルが傾斜したプレーンに衝突する度合は、重力の大きさに左右されます。衝突時にパーティクルが分裂するか放射されるかは、そのパーティクルがどのエミッタから出ているかによります。
// dynTestEvent.mel
// Alias Script File
// Creation Date: 4 September 1996; Modified 09 January 2000
// Author: robt, js
// Procedure Name:
// dynTestEvent
// Description:
// Test the basic functionality of collision events.
// Input Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// Number of errors that occurred in the test.
// ========== dynTestEvent ==========
// Test the basic functionality of collision events.
global proc int dynTestEvent()
// First delete anything that might be left over
// from a previous test.
file -force -new;
currentTime -e 1;
int $errors = 0;
// Create the planes to bounce off.
nurbsPlane -d 3 -p 0 0 0 -w 1.5cm -lr 1 -axis 0cm 0cm 0cm
-name table;
scale 10 10 10;
rotate -1.5708rad 0rad 0rad;
move -os 0.5 0.5 0;
move -r -5 0 5;
rotate -r 10 0 0;
// Create the particle shapes to do the bouncing and splitting.
// Material assignments will be interesting only if the lighting is
// set.
particle -inherit 1.0 -p 0 5 -3 -n blueParticles;
addAttr -ln colorBlue -dv 1.0 -at double blueParticlesShape;
particle -inherit 1.0 -p 0 5 -3.5 -n redParticles;
addAttr -ln colorRed -dv 1.0 -at double redParticlesShape;
particle -inherit 1.0 -p 0 5 -3.5 -n greenParticles;
addAttr -ln colorGreen -dv 1.0 -at double redParticlesShape;
gravity -pos 10 10 10 -m 20 -name gravityField;
// Warning: Changing resilience will change the (hardcoded)
// number of particles that this test expects to create.
collision -r 1.0 -f 0.01 table;
connectDynamic -f gravityField -c table blueParticles redParticles
event -split 2 -sp 0.2 blueParticles;
event -emit 3 -die true -sp 0.2 redParticles;
event -emit 1 greenParticles;
// Set up the playback options.
float $frames = 55;
playbackOptions -min 1 -max $frames -loop once;
// Time how long it takes to play the scene and then determine the
// playback frame rate. Make sure when getting the frame rate
// that no values are divided by zero.
float $startTime = `timerX`;
play -wait;
float $elapsed = `timerX -st $startTime`;
float $fps = ($elapsed == 0.0 ? 0.0 : $frames/$elapsed);
// Check whether any blue particles went through the boundary.
if ( `getAttr blueParticles.boundingBoxMinZ`
< `getAttr table.boundingBoxMinZ` )
print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: \"blueParticles\" particles "
+ "went through boundary.\n" );
$errors += 1;
// Check whether any red particles went through the boundary.
if ( `getAttr redParticles.boundingBoxMinZ`
< `getAttr table.boundingBoxMinZ` )
print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: \"redParticles\" particles "
+ "went through boundary.\n" );
$errors += 1;
// Make sure that the blue particle hit one Z wall, creating two
// particles that each hit the other Z wall to create four total particles.
// This is visually apparent from the side and front views together.
int $blueParticles_i = `particle -count -q blueParticles`;
if ( $blueParticles_i != 4 && ! $errors ) // Warning Magic#
print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: There are " + $blueParticles_i
+ " \"blueParticles\" particles instead of the correct "
+ "value, 4.\n" );
$errors += 1;
// Test that the number of events resulting in a red particle
// creation is correct.
int $redParticles_i = `particle -count -q redParticles`;
if ( $redParticles_i != 9 && ! $errors ) // Warning Magic#
print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: There are " + $redParticles_i
+ " \"redParticles\" particles instead of the correct "
+ "value, 9.\n" );
$errors += 1;
// Check the totalEventCount variable.
if ((`getAttr redParticles.totalEventCount` != 4) ||
(`getAttr blueParticles.totalEventCount` != 3))
print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: Event count attributes had " +
"incorrect value(s).\n" );
$errors += 1;
// Check the event attribute on the green particles.
float $event[] = `particle -at event -order 0 -q greenParticlesShape`;
if ($event[0] != 2)
print( "dynTestEvent: Failure: Event attribute had incorrect" +
"value(s).\n" );
$errors += 1;
// If there are no errors, the events passed this test.
if ( $errors == 0 )
print( "dynTestEvent: Passed. (" );
print( "dynTestEvent: Failed. (" );
// Print the frames per second (fps) in the form X.X.
print( (int)($fps * 10)/10.0 + " fps)\n" );
// Reset the current time to zero so user can replay the test.
currentTime -e 1;
return $errors;
} // dynTestEvent //