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Related nodes. Attributes.
The 'stitchSrf' node modifies the positions of the first (second )
row (column) of control vertices on a NURBS surface such that the
required G0 ( position continuity ), G1 continuity are achieved.
The surface control vertices are modified to match one or more curve
and point constraints.
The attribute 'inSurface' specifies the NURBS surface to be modified.
The attribute 'inputReferenceCOS[i]' specifies the i-th boundary
curve in the 2D parameter space of the input surface.
The attribute 'inputMatchCurve[i]' specifies the 3D curve that
is to be matched by the surface.
The attribute 'pc[i]' could be used to specify whether G0 continuity
is desired on the surface along the edge that is modified to match
the 3D curve at 'inputMatchCurve[i]'.
The attribute 'tc[i]' could be used to specify whether G1 continuity
is desired on the surface along the edge that is modified to match the
3D curve at 'inputMatchCurve[i]'.
The attribute 'fixboundary' keeps the boundary row(column) of control
points fixed while solving for tangent continuity.
The attribute 'tt[i]' is used to specify as to whether 'tolerance[i]'
or 'sc[i]' is to be used for discretization done internally while
matching 'inputMatchCurve[i]'.
The attribute 'sc[i]' specifies the exact number of discretizations
to be carried out while matching 'inputMatchCurve[i]'.
The attribute 'tolerance[i]' specifies the step size as a fraction of the
length of the curve at 'inputMatchCurve[i]'.
The attributes 'pu[i]', 'pv[i]', 'p[i]', 'n[i]' specify the point
constraints. The point constraint specifies the uv location on the
surface and the desired 3d space position and normal at that point.
The attribute 'tpp' can be used to turn on and off the solving for
the position at point constraints.
The attribute 'tpn' can be used to turn on and off the solving for
the normals at point constraints.
The attributes 'cvIthIndex[i]', 'cvJthIndex[i]', 'cvPosition[i]' can be used
to explicitly set the position of control vertices on the surface
being output.
The attribute 'bias' is a blend factor to blend the control vertices
between the input surface and the surface computed internally before
the surface is output. A value of 0.0 implies the input surface is
returned as output.
CAUTION : No additional knots are inserted in to the NURBS surface.
At times all the constraints cannot be met because the surface
does not have the required number of control vertices.
Node name | Parents | MFn type | Compatible function sets |
stitchSrf | abstractBaseCreate | kStitchSrf | kBase kNamedObject kDependencyNode kCreate kStitchSrf |
Related nodes
ffBlendSrf, globalStitch
Attributes (31)
bias, cvIthIndex, cvJthIndex, cvPosition, cvpositionX, cvpositionY, cvpositionZ, fixBoundary, inputCurve, inputMatchCurve, inputReferenceCOS, inputSurface, normal, normalX, normalY, normalZ, outputSurface, parameterU, parameterV, position, positionX, positionY, positionZ, positionalContinuity, shouldBeLast, stepCount, tangentialContinuity, togglePointNormals, togglePointPosition, toggleTolerance, tolerance
Long name (short name) | Type | Default | Flags |
(is )
| nurbsSurface | NULL |    |
(ic )
| nurbsCurve | NULL |     |
(imc )
| nurbsCurve | NULL |     |
(ir )
| nurbsCurve | NULL |     |
(pc )
| bool | true |       |
(tc )
| bool | false |       |
(tt )
| bool | false |      |
(tol )
| distance (double) | 0.1cm |      |
(sc )
| integer | 20 |       |
(u )
| double | -10000 |      |
(v )
| double | -10000 |      |
(p )
| double3 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 |     |
| positionX
(px )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm |   | |
| positionY
(py )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm |   | |
| positionZ
(pz )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm |   | |
(n )
| double3 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 |     |
| normalX
(nx )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm |   | |
| normalY
(ny )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm |   | |
| normalZ
(nz )
| distance (double) | 0.0cm |   | |
(tpn )
| bool | false |     |
(tpp )
| bool | true |     |
(ci )
| integer | -1 |      |
(cj )
| integer | -1 |      |
(cv )
| double3 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 |     |
| cvpositionX
(cvx )
| distance (double) | -1cm |   | |
| cvpositionY
(cvy )
| distance (double) | -1cm |   | |
| cvpositionZ
(cvz )
| distance (double) | -1cm |   | |
(b )
| double | 1.0 |      |
(fb )
| bool | false |      |
(sbl )
| bool | true |   |
(os )
| nurbsSurface | NULL |   |