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This node takes lattice points as input and deforms them based on the high-level parameter settings controlling how the lattice bends around a joint.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

lattice, cluster, jointCluster, nonLinear, blendShape, skinCluster, boneLattice, wrap, wire, ffd, jointFfd, sculpt, flexorShape, deformFunc, deformSquash, deformTwist, deformBend, deformWave, deformFlare, deformSine, baseLattice, clusterHandle

Attributes (19)

adjustedLowerBaseLatticeMatrix, adjustedUpperBaseLatticeMatrix, baseLatticeMatrix, bendMagnitude, bendVector, bendVectorX, bendVectorY, bendVectorZ, creasing, deformedLatticeMatrix, initialLowerMatrix, initialUpperMatrix, lengthIn, lengthOut, lowerMatrix, rounding, upperMatrix, widthLeft, widthRight

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
creasing (cr) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The amount of creasing to perform on the inside of the bend.
rounding (ro) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The amount of rounding to perform on the outside of the bend.
lengthIn (li) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Controls how far the bend extends toward the upper joint.
lengthOut (lo) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Controls how far the bend extends toward the lower joint.
widthLeft (wl) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Controls the amount of bulging to the left side of the bone as the joint bends.
widthRight (wr) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Controls the amount of bulging to the right side of the bone as the joint bends.
upperMatrix (um) matrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The world matrix of the upper bone.
lowerMatrix (lm) matrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The world matrix of the lower bone.
initialUpperMatrix (iu) matrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The bind pose world matrix of the upper bone.
initialLowerMatrix (il) matrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The bind pose world matrix of the lower bone.
deformedLatticeMatrix (md) matrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The "bind pose" world matrix of the deformed lattice.
baseLatticeMatrix (mb) matrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The "bind pose" world matrix of the base lattice.
adjustedUpperBaseLatticeMatrix (au) matrixidentityoutputconnectable
Repositions base lattice to keep it aligned with the upper bone.
adjustedLowerBaseLatticeMatrix (al) matrixidentityoutputconnectable
Repositions base lattice to keep it aligned with the lower bone.
bendVector (bv) float3outputinputconnectablestorable
Bisector of a vector representation of the upper/lower bones.
bendVectorX (bx) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Bend vector X value.
bendVectorY (by) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Bend vector Y value.
bendVectorZ (bz) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Bend vector Z value.
bendMagnitude (bm) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Specifies how much effect the 6 high level behavior parameters have.