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This is the flow node which is an interfacing node among a motionPath node and lattice deformation related nodes.

The flow node communicates with the motionPath node through messages to compute and construct a set of lattice points (used by the lattice node, and the ffd node) to deform the geometry objects connected to them.

                  (motionPath) --------------
                      |                     |
                      |                     |
                    (flow)             (transform)
                    / |  \                  |
         -----------  |   ---------         |
        /             |            \        |
  (baseLattice)   (lattice)       (ffd) -----

The "flow" command, when executed on an object animated by a motion path that has its "follow" enabled, creates a flow node and all its necessary connections to the other nodes.

When the latticeOnObject attribute is set to true, the lattice points are positioned around the animated object. Otherwise, they are positioned around the path curve.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes


Attributes (23)

allCoords, center, centerX, centerY, centerZ, curve, defMatrixInv, defPts, inBaseMatrix, latticeOnObject, motionPath, objectWorldMatrix, orientMatrix, outBaseMatrix, parmValue, sDivisions, setFrontAxis, setUpAxis, tDivisions, uDivisions, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
latticeOnObject (lo) boolfalseoutputinputstorable
A flag for specifying the deformation lattice placement, either lattice around the object or lattice around the whole curve
motionPath (mp) Messagen/aoutputinputconnectable
For exchanging messages with a motionPath node during computation of the lattice points positions
curve (crv) GenericNULLinputconnectablestorable
The curve path data
parmValue (pv) distance (double)0cminputconnectablestorable
The current value of the curve parameter to use
sDivisions (sdv) short2outputinputconnectablestorable
The lattice division in the s direction
tDivisions (tdv) short5outputinputconnectablestorable
The lattice division in the t direction
uDivisions (udv) short2outputinputconnectablestorable
The lattice division in the u direction
inBaseMatrix (ibm) matrixidentityinputconnectablestorable
A transformation matrix specifying the current scaling and orientation of the bounding box of the animated object
defMatrixInv (dmi) matrixidentityinputconnectablestorable
A matrix to transform the computed lattice point in the world space to the object space of the lattice
setFrontAxis (sfa) enum1inputconnectablestorable
An index value specifying which local axis of the animated object is used as the front direction in the motionPath animation
setUpAxis (sua) enum2inputconnectablestorable
An index value specifying which local axis of the animated object is used as the up direction in the motionPath animation
orientMatrix (omx) matrixidentityinputconnectablestorable
A matrix specifying the current world space orientations of the animated object
allCoords (ac) double30.0, 0.0, 0.0inputconnectablestorable
The current world space position of the animated object
xCoord (xc) distance (double)0.0cminputconnectablestorable
x-component of the current world space position of the animated object
yCoord (yc) distance (double)0.0cminputconnectablestorable
y-component of the current world space position of the animated object
zCoord (zc) distance (double)0.0cminputconnectablestorable
z-component of the current world space position of the animated object
center (ctr) double30.0, 0.0, 0.0arrayinputconnectablestorable
The local space position of the center of the bounding box of the animated object
centerX (ctx) distance (double)0.0cminputconnectablestorable
x-component of the position of the center of the boundingBox
centerY (cty) distance (double)0.0cminputconnectablestorable
y-component of the position of the center of the boundingBox
centerZ (ctz) distance (double)0.0cminputconnectablestorable
z-component of the position of the center of the boundingBox
objectWorldMatrix (owmx) matrixidentityarrayinputconnectablestorable
A matrix to transform the local space position of the center of the bounding box to its world space position
outBaseMatrix (obm) matrixidentityoutputconnectable
The resulting world space position of the bounding box of the animated object
defPts (dpt) latticeNULLoutputconnectable
The resulting local space lattice points