#ifndef _pnTrianglesNode #define _pnTrianglesNode //- // ========================================================================== // Copyright (C) 1995 - 2006 Autodesk, Inc. and/or its licensors. All // rights reserved. // // The coded instructions, statements, computer programs, and/or related // material (collectively the "Data") in these files contain unpublished // information proprietary to Autodesk, Inc. ("Autodesk") and/or its // licensors, which is protected by U.S. and Canadian federal copyright // law and by international treaties. // // The Data is provided for use exclusively by You. You have the right // to use, modify, and incorporate this Data into other products for // purposes authorized by the Autodesk software license agreement, // without fee. // // The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, // including the above license grant, this restriction and the // following disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the // Software, in whole or in part, and all derivative works of // the Software, unless such copies or derivative works are solely // in the form of machine-executable object code generated by a // source language processor. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. // AUTODESK DOES NOT MAKE AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED // WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF // NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR // TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT WILL AUTODESK AND/OR ITS LICENSORS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUES, DATA, OR PROFITS, OR SPECIAL, // DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF AUTODESK // AND/OR ITS LICENSORS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY // OR PROBABILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // // ========================================================================== //+ // File: pnTrianglesNode.h // // Dependency Graph Node: pnTriangles // // Description: // // Hardware shader plugin to perform ATI PN triangle // tessellation on geometry. If the ATI extension // is not available, the extension will be emulated // in software. // #include <maya/MPxHwShaderNode.h> #include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h> #include <maya/MTypeId.h> // ATI extension definitions #if defined(OSMac_MachO_) #include <OpenGL/gl.h> #else #include <GL/gl.h> #endif #include "ATIext.h" class pnTriangles : public MPxHwShaderNode { // Class node methods public: pnTriangles(); virtual ~pnTriangles(); virtual bool getInternalValue( const MPlug&, MDataHandle&); virtual bool setInternalValue( const MPlug&, const MDataHandle&); // Shader node overrides virtual MStatus bind(const MDrawRequest& request, M3dView& view); virtual MStatus unbind(const MDrawRequest& request, M3dView& view); virtual MStatus geometry( const MDrawRequest& request, M3dView& view, int prim, unsigned int writable, int indexCount, const unsigned int * indexArray, int vertexCount, const int * vertexIDs, const float * vertexArray, int normalCount, const float ** normalArrays, int colorCount, const float ** colorArrays, int texCoordCount, const float ** texCoordArrays); virtual int normalsPerVertex(); virtual int texCoordsPerVertex(); virtual int colorsPerVertex(); static void* creator(); static MStatus initialize(); public: typedef enum { kPointLinear, kPointCubic } ePointMode; typedef enum { kNormalLinear, kNormalQuadratic } eNormalMode; typedef enum { kPNTriangesEXT = 0, kVertexShaderEXT = 1, kFragmentShaderEXT = 2 } eExtension; // Data access methods int maxTessellationLevel() const { return fMaxTessellationLevel; } ePointMode pointMode() const { return fPointMode; } eNormalMode normalMode() const { return fNormalMode; } unsigned int subdivisions() const { return fSubdivisions; } GLboolean extensionSupported( eExtension e ) const { return fExtensionSupported[e] ; } // Node attributes for PN-triangles static MObject attrSubdivisions; // Number of subdivisions static MObject attrNormalMode; // Normal evaluation mode static MObject attrPointMode; // Point evaluation mode // Node attributes for programmable shading static MObject attrEnableVertexProgram; // Enable vertex program static MObject attrEnablePixelProgram; // Enable pixel program // General node attributes for display static MObject attrColored; // Display colored static MObject attrWireframe; // Display wireframe static MObject attrTextured; // Display textured // Node ID static MTypeId id; protected: MStatus getFloat3(MObject attr, float value[3]); unsigned int computePNTriangles(const float * vertexArray, const float * normalArray, const float * texCoordArray, float * pnVertexArray, float * pnNormalArray, float * pnTexCoordArray, float * pnColorArray); void bindVertexProgram(const MColor diffuse, const MColor specular, const MColor emission, const MColor ambient); void bindFragmentProgram(); unsigned int fSubdivisions; // Cached subdivision value GLboolean fExtensionSupported[3]; // Is PN-triangles extension supported ? ePointMode fPointMode; // Point mode eNormalMode fNormalMode; // Normal mode unsigned int fMaxTessellationLevel; // Maximum tessellation level // Attribute requirements for geometry. Set // depending on display mode int fNumTextureCoords; // textured int fNumNormals; // shaded int fNumColors; // coloured bool fWireframe; // wireframe bool fInTexturedMode; bool fTestVertexProgram; bool fTestFragmentProgram; int fVertexShaderId; int fFragmentShaderId; }; #endif
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